Cameras were build to freeze time and to make them intangible memories. However I find it insane that people fill in their massive hard drives with pictures but never even look at them twice.  I promised myself that once I have a house I will make sure that every single picture on my disk finds a place.

However pictures are not everything and they can’t capture everything. In actual sense a picture isn’t the complete picture. It misses the feeling of the wind, the fragrance of the moment, mood and the actual view. Therefore in my endeavor to make my memories from Thailand alive I make sure to take tons of picture but in the mean time; I sit back..close my eyes and paint another picture without seeing anything.

Here are the latest ones from my 35 km bike trip.

Although I have used filters and pretty stupid designs on top but the real sight was a million times better.
Cellphone cameras aren’t the best for me but this is just like a note to recall the actual picture stored deep inside my mind.

Bike trip in Thailand

Here is the bike I have been using along… perfect bike for newbies like me (In the field of geared bikes of course!)



Everytime I miss home these two angels fly me out.


God is an architect for sure..not sure which school he went too?

Sam Roi Yot, Thailand

Humans aren’t behind in designing unique things too. I wonder if the house on top is available for rent and why would someone live there?  for the view I guess!

Sam Roi yot, Thailand

If I would have been a poet I could have written numerous poems by just sitting here.

Sam Roi yot, Thailand bike trip


Sam Roi yot, Thailand

I wish I had my own boat….someday!

Sam Roi yot, Thailand

I had to take this picture.

Sam Roi yot, Thailand




Hope you liked the pictures. If you ever wanna visit Thailand…better send me a message first!
