Well I am not Christopher Columbus or the Captain Jack Sparrow but I have discovered several things in life recently. particularly in the last week. But before getting into discoveries let me first tell you something about myself.

I am currently working around with a group of 10 foreign guests who are here for yoga courses and I am in the computer department of the institution. Technically I am responsible for every single piece of semiconductor running in the institution. Except the fridge, the micro-oven, the audio player etc. etc. you know the rest………

So now you know me better… lets get back to the discoveries.

1. Never in my life, I smiled as much as I do now. It’s true, I have rarely seen a picture of mine smiling….. very tragic!  but last week I was forced to smile for a picture. I won’t forget that moment. It’s in my head!  click!  Discovered a smiling Mahendra!    thank you Jiaranai !


2. “Fearless are merely fearless. People who act in spite of their fear are truly brave” I am proud that I know a brave girl who dared to travel 800 km in Spain on FOOT, yeah!  you got it right, on foot. Discovered a fact that will power is more powerful than muscle power. All praises to you Laurel.


3. Music was a part of my school curriculum but I never really enjoyed playing instruments, but a few days back I was  playing an instrument without having the fear of being laughed at. I don’t know anything I just played along. It wasn’t good enough but still…….. I discovered the music in myself .


3.  I joined the institution to get some exposure in the field of search engine optimization. Guess I AM LEARNING LIFE ENGINE OPTIMIZATION here.  Discovered the fact that learning can take place in any part of the world and in any form whether  practical or theoretical. Thanks you  Amanda, Anita, Sarah,Seth, Radka, Jessie, Jiaranai, Laurel, Blythe,  Maria, and Ratna mam.


my learning continues…………………………..