My brain used to process only source codes and algorithms but a recent upgrade made it  highly unstable….   computer engineers call it overclocking!

In normal human understandable language it means, I can DANCE now……  and before you ask me…NO it’s wasn’t because of a virus!  

I really danced on the historic ( historic for me of course! ) day of 22 august 2011,  I don’t know whether it was the sudden increase in internet band-width or it was the music band playing on the audio system but it happened…..I was not even closer to Michael Jackson or any normal human but still dance is dance, who cares if a monkey can dance better than me. I have started to dance and hopefully will improve in it. I must accept the fact that it was one of the most exciting party I have ever been too. The occasion was the birthday of  Mahesh Bhaiya- one of the most humble, pure hearted, hard working and honest person I have ever known.  He’s a bit shy but still an amazing person.  Happy birthday dear!



Now, it will be very bad for a computer engineer to hide the real programmers of the evening and specifically my dance so here is the list of the most talented and highly acclaimed LIFE PROGRAMMERS…………

Seth, Manish bhaiya, Anita, Amanda, Blythe, Maria, Jessie, Jiaranai, Radka, Ratna mam, Laurel, Sarah, Varsha, Chetan bhaiya, Jitendra, Rahul and Pranshu, 


photographs awaited!