There is an old saying which goes something like this “There are two ways of seeing a glass of water;either half empty or half full.” This depends on the perspective of the person.
In India, we are having monsoon (rainy season). For some it’s the worst time of the year
mud,dirt,water logging everywhere but for some it’s the best season of all time.
There is no better time to see clouds, trees and birds.
The soothing breeze wakes you up,
Gigantic trees bows down to say “Good Morning”
Tiny droplets asks you to take a quick shower…
and then Volla!

You are ready for a very eventful day ahead.
And before you come out, All the roads are washed up for you,
Live performance by birds all along the way.
Now what else do you want in life?
Yeah, a girl waiting for ya back home? Sorry buddy that’s a whole new thing.Will talk about that later.