Nov 06

Thai way of traveling around

I don’t do this normally… waking up at 6 in the morning and going for a bike ride..are you nuts? That’s the time I go to bed…. I did almost […]

Oct 05

I know

  I know the moment I say doctor, it brings smile on your face, And it just lightens up the moment and brings grace. I know the moment I say […]

Sep 12

Windows 9 new look

  Here is the windows 9 brand new look. As promised Microsoft delivered on fixing the start menu further more. In windows 8.1 they added the start button but the […]

Jun 02

Nutrition for the brain

Before making any points I would like to make sure that no one gets too serious about it. I am not a doctor, psychologist, teacher, nutritionist or a dietitian; I […]

May 19

Innocent until proven guilty

We all are have friends.. at least most of us! Some have a very few and some have hundreds. Friendship is the only relation which is we create and which […]

May 02

May Day

Just to make sure I am not talking about the public holiday “May Day” nor the emergency protocol used by mariners, pilots and security personals all around the globe but […]

Apr 30

I envy you

“I envy you” is the best compliment I can give to anyone except “you look beautiful / awesome” always works 🙂   Anyways jokes apart… why being envy can’t be […]

Dec 01

Answer lies within

There is an old saying that the “answer is in the question itself”; Now that’s freaking insane when you are 12 year old and you have got a mathematics problem […]

Nov 11

Tears of joy

One of the last thing I would like to see in this world is to see tears in eyes. Doesn’t matter if I know that person or not. And if […]