I have been thinking about writing a blog post since my birthday, for those who don’t know me personally, my birthday was on 28th December. I must say, it was the first birthday I ever celebrated. I actually never had a cake on my birthday! Never felt like celebrating. Although this time it was huge, cake at sharp 12:00am followed by dance in hostel. And celebration again in my work place. Celebration never actually ended. I went to watch Mission impossible 4 with my friends and then had dinner.
In short, Mahendra was born again!
Then came the new year…. had a terrible 31st. Entire body was in pain and didn’t had enough energy to study or work. But as the calendars across the globe changed, my health improved.
Last year taught me a lot of things which will be in my heart and soul.
- I defeated my negative self
- I defeated my fear
- I worked according to my heart instead of brain. And I worked really hard.
Now, when the world is drawing battle plans to fight corruption, terrorism and internet censoring I am busy working on my goals, NOT RESOLUTIONS. Michael Phelps didn’t made a resolution to win 8 gold medals in Olympics. It was his goal. I am not planning to win medals in Olympics but my goals are ambitious enough to regard them as medals and I am motivated enough to pursue them like Michael.
After a lot of brainstorming, thinking, and considering suggestions from all over the world. I found that the only thing which is respected everywhere in this world is education. If you know the answers to the questions you are good enough!
So, here I am finally selecting the path to pursue higher education. Although, my ideas and websites will still be active and running!
I am truly grateful to everyone who inspired, advised and supported me whenever I needed. I have done a lot of mistakes in my life, but who cares about the time which is already gone… LETS BUY A NEW WATCH!