Today was a bit hectic for me. Generally morning means

  • firing up my browser and logging into my Google reader account and check for update on my selected websites. Very powerful and handy tools for getting latest updates from selected websites.
  • Getting ready for my part-time job at an yoga institution for some Search
    Engine Optimization work.
  • And reading newspaper of-course. (got a poster today)

Work involves publicizing the website- , which is the official website of a yoga institution imparting training to foreigners.  This is a very simple task if the website has been optimized well. In my case- NOT AT ALL. So trying a bit hard to solve this problem.

Evening is generally for games, mostly cricket but since monsoon is in full bloom our so called cricket stadium is in ruins! Currently figuring out any other activity to do in this time.

After dinner time is a bit tough as every one keep visiting my room for some kind of help and it’s very hard to say no for me to anyone!  trying to learn “HOW TO SAY NO”. Night is very productive as I try to learn something new… I was trying out joomla lessons tonight.


Special event: while checking out picasa today I found out a very interesting and lovely picture therefore would like to share it.

