Feb 26

For the sheer pleasure of it

RUN not to gain strength or to loose weight, run for the sheer pleasure of it; DRAW not to sell it or to post it on facebook, draw for the […]

Jun 17

Of course I am

Of course I am an idiot, stupid, jealous, liar, angry, fool,egoistic,  lazy and late sometimes.. I too have prejudice about people I meet and I also suffer from over confidence […]

Apr 22

Digital meditation- radio silence

You all know what meditation really is… in the most non Sanskrit words it is just calming your mind down but strangely enough calming your mind is like trying to […]

Jun 02

Nutrition for the brain

Before making any points I would like to make sure that no one gets too serious about it. I am not a doctor, psychologist, teacher, nutritionist or a dietitian; I […]

May 02

May Day

Just to make sure I am not talking about the public holiday “May Day” nor the emergency protocol used by mariners, pilots and security personals all around the globe but […]

Oct 13

Shameless self promotion

“Let the shameless self promotion begin” one of the most unique and genuine quotes I ever came across. This is by one of my NON FACEBOOK friends, Sarah Gormen. She […]

Apr 16

Happy happy happy

There are certain moments in life when you are bound to be happy. Happiness is the most contagious thing in the world. When you are happy people around you are […]

Mar 28

What did you learn today???

This question haunts every student when he/she returns from school. There is nothing wrong in the question asked by parents everyday? Actually this is the question we should ask ourselves. […]